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Pull Paths

These paths are for pulling the player into a specific direction when nearby.



Shortcuts Effect
Ctrl + D Duplicate
Alt + Mouse Down Add points. If one is selected it connects to that.
Del Delete
Q Also can add points.
E Extrude
F Connect/Disconnect 2 selected points
1 Activates movement tool
2 Activates rotation tool
3 Activates scale tool
G Move
R Rotate
T Scale
X Lock X Axis
Y Lock Y Axis
Z Lock Z Axis
B Selection Box


To start you want to enter the pull path editor.


Then Alt + Mouse to create. Place these where a pull path would activate.


Keep the previous point selected then keep creating these to create a fully connected path in the direction you want to pull in.



Shortcuts Effect
Speed Determines the force amount to be pulled.
Param 2 Unknown purpose.